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Couch 90x200 Simple

Couch 90x200 Simple
491 €

Product description
Define your dream furniture by choosing its color. Choose from white, black, closet or oak color.Along with the sofa is sold bezel (in the color of the chestnut).In addition, you can purchase a bedding drawer or a spare lower bed - then to aesthetically hide the purchased element under the sofa, attach the bed bezel to it.The sofa has a tilting frame as standard, along with a bedding container. Thanks to it, the storage space in the bedroom is increased. The board around the mattress provides support and a place to put pillows - it also prevents them from falling to the ground.
width: 95.3 cmheight: 68.1 cmDepth: 205.6 cm

Choose from white, black, gray or oak color.
- Depending on the choice of color of the sofa. The laminated board comes in white, gray or oak. The painted board, on the other hand, comes in black.
Marta Krupińska